3 Nov 2015

Why Stress?

It's fair to say that my life is a little bit crazy, I'm a fairly busy person. Lately I've been feeling a little overloaded with stress over everything and nothing at all. It's like everything in my life just turns into play-doh and rolls around in my stomach. Stress sucks, but it something we all face. I know a lot of you are facing exams at the moment as well, so I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. The thing is, stress is really really pointless. It doesn't actually achieve anything other than freaking us out. So why do we stress? And how can we stop?

Sometimes you've just got to take a moment. Play your favourite song. Look at yourself in the mirror and be real with yourself. You can't beat stress pretending you're ok. What are you afraid of? Is it actually likely? And does it actually matter?

Most of the time the things we're freaking out about aren't a big deal. We waste so much time stressing and why? 
Is it just that we don't believe in ourselves?

When it comes down to it, we just don't believe we can do it. People are actually the most amazing things on this planet, by far. Last night I went and followed a whole stack of anorexia accounts on Instagram, just because I find them so inspiring. It got me thinking, some people do the most incredible things. Some people have these awful demons, but we're beating them every single day. We're all so capable of incredible things, but half the time we never go for it because we don't believe we can. Our natural instinct, is no, I can't do that. But imagine if we shifted that to a yes. Of course you can, you're capable, you want it bad enough. It's yours. Imagine all the stuff we could actually do. But no, you're not quite enough, or at least that's what you're telling yourself.

What I've learnt about stress, is it's all in your head. But that voice saying you can't do it, that voice has an opposition. There's another voice in your head. It might be quieter, because you don't choose to listen to it as often but the thing is its still there and it has just as much power as the voice telling you you aren't enough. That second voice turns around in that moment and says OF COURSE YOU ARE. You're amazing, and beautiful. This is your moment. Don't let stress make you miss it.

As usual, I sat down to hit the publish button and ended up writing a completely new and different rant. I love writing stuff like this, its terrifying and exposing and wild but if someone somewhere is reading this and feels something, I guess its worth it. I honestly just want to build you guys up. Remember to keep things in perspective my lovelies, and always remember you can. I'm believing in you xx

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